Is Crab Halal In Islam? Quick Facts

Crab is Partially Halal, According to Islamic jurisprudence, crabs, known as “al-hayawan al barma’i” which means animals that inhabit both land and sea, have varying legal rulings. Some scholars hold that crab meat is permissible for consumption as there is no explicit prohibition in the Holy Quran or hadith. This view is adopted by Maliki scholars.

Islam is one of the largest religions in the world, with over 1.8 billion adherents worldwide. With such a large and diverse community comes a variety of questions about religious practices, including what foods are permitted or prohibited. Crab is a popular seafood delicacy that is enjoyed around the world. For many Muslims, there is still some confusion about whether or not it’s permissible to eat crab according to Islamic law.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the answer to the question: Is crab halal in Islam? We’ll examine the legal status of crabs within Islamic law, and provide some guidance for Muslims looking to make informed decisions about what they eat. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have a better understanding of whether or not crab is considered halal in Islam.

Quran On Seafood

The Quran does not explicitly mention whether seafood is permissible from a dietary standpoint. It does emphasize that Muslims should strive to maintain a diet consisting of the highest quality and most wholesome food in order to optimize their health and well-being. As such, consuming seafood that is safe and free from potential contaminants or hazardous ingredients is encouraged. This includes crabs, which are both healthy and a great source of nutrients. As long as the crab is not cooked with or contains any prohibited ingredients, it is considered permissible to eat in Islam.

Quran Versus Confirmation About “Is Crab Halal or Not?”

In Islam, it can be difficult to determine what is halal and what isn’t. The Quran does not explicitly mention whether the crab is halal or not, Some scholars have concluded that since crabs are a type of seafood, they should be considered halal. This conclusion is drawn on the basis of several verses in the Quran which mention that seafood (like fish and shrimp) is permissible for Muslims to consume.

Additionally, there are hadiths in the Hadith literature of Muslims which allude to the fact that crabs can be eaten. Ultimately, it is up to each individual Muslim to determine whether they feel comfortable eating crab or not. It is generally accepted that crab is a type of seafood and therefore halal in Islam. This makes it permissible for Muslims to enjoy while adhering to their faith.

The Quran does not explicitly mention the permissibility of eating crab (seafood). Muslim scholars have used evidence from the Quran and hadith to come to the conclusion that it is permissible to consume.

The Quran mentions numerous types of food and drink that are halal for consumption, such as fish, birds and fruits. There is no specific mention of crab (seafood) as halal for consumption.

The main evidence used by Muslim scholars to conclude that crab (seafood) can be consumed comes from the Quran’s general permission for eating sea animals: “It is He who has made the sea subservient so that you can eat from it tender meat and extract ornaments that you wear.” (Quran 16:14). This verse does not make a distinction between types of sea animals, giving an overall permission to consume those living in the sea.

Hadiths Confirmation About “Is Crab Halal or Haram?”

The Islamic faith is one that follows strict dietary guidelines. Food and drink are prescribed according to what has been deemed acceptable in the Qur’an and other religious texts. As such, seafood (including crabs) is allowed for consumption within the Islamic tradition. In order to confirm this allowance, there are many hadiths (sayings attributed to Prophet Muhammad) that provide insight on this issue.

One hadith states: “A group of the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) asked about eating crabs. The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Eat them and mention the Name of Allah when you start to eat them.’” This hadith not only confirms that eating crabs is permissible, but it also encourages believers to offer thanks for their meal.

Another hadith states: “The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Every moving creature of the sea is halal and lawful for you to eat, and the fish in the sea are like sheep amongst cattle.’” This hadith reinforces the notion that seafood is permissible for consumption, and it further indicates that fish in particular are highly praised by the Prophet.

A third hadith states: “The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Eat of what is on earth and of what comes from it; and mention the Name of Allah when you start to eat.” This hadith serves to remind believers that all food and drink is a blessing from God and that believers should offer thanks for their meals.

Overall, these hadiths provide clear confirmation that seafood (including crabs) is indeed halal—or permissible—in the Islamic tradition. As such, it is permissible to enjoy crab dishes as part of a balanced and nutritious diet. Not only is seafood healthy, but it also allows believers to express their gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon them by Allah.

When eating crabs (or any other seafood), it is important that believers follow the proper guidelines of halal food preparation in order to ensure that the food is lawful according to Islamic standards. This includes making sure that the seafood and other ingredients used in preparation are sourced from halal suppliers and/or approved vendors, as well as avoiding any cross-contamination with foods or ingredients that may not be permissible.

Ultimately, these hadiths provide clear confirmation that eating crabs is absolutely permissible within the Islamic tradition. As such, believers can enjoy crab dishes as part of a varied and nutritious diet while also expressing their gratitude for Allah’s many blessings.


What is the ruling on eating crab according to Islamic jurisprudence?

According to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, eating crab is considered makruh (disliked), while the other three schools of jurisprudence consider it haram.

Can Muslims eat crab if they follow the Hanafi school of jurisprudence?

According to the Hanafi school of jurisprudence, eating crab is considered makruh (disliked) but not haram (forbidden), so Muslims who follow this school of thought may eat crab if they choose to do so.

Are there any exceptions to the ruling on crab being haram in Islam?

There are some exceptions to the ruling on crab being haram. For example, some scholars consider it permissible to consume crab if it is caught alive and slaughtered in the proper Islamic way.

Which seafood is not halal?

According to Islamic dietary laws, any seafood that is considered haram (forbidden) includes shellfish like lobster, oysters, shrimps, and clams.

Can Muslims eat crab and prawns?

There is debate among Islamic scholars about whether or not these seafood are halal for Muslims to consume. Some scholars consider them halal as they are not explicitly forbidden in the Quran or Hadith, while others consider them haram.

Is crab halal in Shia Islam?

Shi’a and Sunni scholars generally agree that all seafood is halal, including crab. However, it is best to check with your religious scholar to know for sure.

Is crab meat halal or not?

There is disagreement among Islamic scholars about whether crab meat is halal or haram for Muslims to consume. Some scholars consider it halal, while others consider it haram due to the way it is caught and the environment in which it lives.

Is the crab in sushi haram?

This depends on how the crab is prepared – if it is prepared with ingredients that are not halal, such as alcohol or non-halal meat, then it would be considered haram. However, if the crab and the other ingredients used in sushi are all halal, then it would be considered halal for Muslims to consume.


The question of whether or not crab is halal or haram depends largely on religious doctrine. There is no consensus within Islam as to whether or not consuming crabs is allowed. Those who choose to consume crabs must take into consideration their own religious perspective on the issue and be mindful of any potential health risks associated with the overconsumption of seafood. Ultimately, determining whether or not consuming crabs is halal or haram remains a personal choice. As long as one is mindful of their own religious beliefs and the potential health risks, they can make an informed decision that is right for them.

Mohamed J

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