Is Nutmeg Haram or Halal? Eye-Opening Facts

If you are a Muslim who has ever wondered about is nutmeg haram or halal, you have landed on the right blog. In Islam, there are strict dietary laws that govern what Muslims can and cannot consume. These laws are based on the teachings of the Quran and the Hadith, which are the holy scriptures of Islam. Nutmeg is a popular spice that is used in a variety of dishes and recipes around the world, but its halal status is a matter of debate among Muslims. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind this debate and examine the evidence for and against consuming nutmeg from an Islamic perspective.

What is Nutmeg?

Nutmeg is a spice made from the seed of an evergreen tree. The tree is native to the Banda Islands in the Moluccas of eastern Indonesia. The seed is ground to produce the spice. Nutmeg is used in both sweet and savory dishes. It is a common ingredient in pumpkin pie, eggnog, and other desserts. It is also used in curries, sausages, and other savory dishes.

Another thing one must keep in mind is that high levels of nutmeg can cause hallucinogenic effects. These effects are considered on par with commonly abused drugs such as hashish. This is the biggest reason there is dispute about the consumption of nutmeg by Muslims.

Is Nutmeg Haram?

There is a small group of scholars who feel that if nutmeg is consumed as a spice, which is added to food, it is alright. This is because this doesn’t have any affects on your body, and simply adds flavour to the food.

There are different schools of thoughts when it comes to this spice. All scholars agree that consumption of large amounts of nutmeg is haram, since it is forbidden to consume anything that has any hallucinogenic effects on people. According to the laws of Islam, any consumable that causes such effects should not be taken under any conditions, even in small quantities.


Is nutmeg harmful for health?

Consuming nutmeg in small amounts as a spice in food is generally safe for most people. However, taking large amounts of nutmeg can be harmful and even toxic. It contains a compound called myristicin, which in high doses can cause hallucinations, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and even seizures. Nutmeg can also interact with certain medications and cause adverse effects. Therefore, it is important to consume nutmeg in moderation and avoid taking it in large doses.

How is nutmeg intoxicant?

Nutmeg can act as an intoxicant when consumed in large amounts. Myristicin, the main psychoactive compound in nutmeg, can cause hallucinations, a sense of detachment from reality, and a feeling of euphoria. However, the experience can also be unpleasant and cause nausea, vomiting, and other adverse effects. Nutmeg intoxication can be dangerous and potentially fatal, especially when combined with other drugs or alcohol.

Who should not use nutmeg?

Certain people should avoid using nutmeg due to its potential harmful effects. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not consume nutmeg in large amounts, as it may harm the developing fetus or nursing baby. People with liver or kidney disease, as well as those with a history of seizures or psychiatric disorders, should also avoid using nutmeg, as it may worsen their condition. Nutmeg can interact with medications such as anticoagulants, antipsychotics, and antidepressants, so people taking these drugs should consult their healthcare provider before using nutmeg.


It is widely believed by Muslim scholars that nutmeg is haram. There are some who feel that this is only correct for large quantities of nutmeg and not when its used as a spice. That being said, the laws of Islam say that anything that causes hallucinogenic effects should not be consumed and in my humble opinion that makes nutmeg haram. The ultimate decision rests with you.

Mohamed J

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